• Northgate - Maine Orthodontics Building

    Located in Portland's Northgate area. Plenty of parking (and across the street from Dunkin' Donuts).

  • Assessment & Evaluation

    Evidence-based tools and strategies for academic, psychological, neuropsychological, and functional behavior assessments.

  • Family & School Consultation

    Help for families and schools to ensure consistency of programming and services across settings.

"The more slowly trees grow at first, the sounder they are at the core, and I think the same is true of human beings." - Henry David Thoreau

Our Services

  • Pediatric Evaluations

    We use the latest research-based assessment tools to identify a child's strengths and needs.

  • Support

    We recommend individualized, evidence-based practices to support success.

  • Success

    We work to link school, home, and community to increase consistency across settings.

Foreside Team

  • Susan Jarmuz-Smith, Psychologist

  • Anneliese Guzman-Bass, Psychological Associate

  • Mary Demarest, Clinical Outreach Coordinator

  • Rhett Mercury, Patient Care Coordinator

Get started with Foreside